“No backsliding allowed”

“No backsliding allowed”

By Roger Fontaine June07


As I look back over the fateful years


To the time of a life-giving choice


It chokes me up but I release the tears


And from my soul I find my voice;



 I know that love’s the key and I feel it’s healing grace


I changed my past into a life that I could wear with pride,


Gently with courageous strokes I painted a truer face


And I know it’s here to stay, no backsliding allowed (bis)



At first it was impossible but with courage it appeared


Quickly life began to grow and took away my fears


At first I couldn’t take a step without somebody’s help


But as I built self-love I learned to trust the voice within;



I stand to fight the enemy for old habits never die


The man which once dragged me down has since been laid to rest


The ways of old were given me and I chose to set them free


Not on my sons’ or daughters’ lives will violence succeed
